
Call for Participants: Education on Europe

The growing importance of the European Union for policy making shines a spotlight on the need for European Citizenship Education. Active European Citizenship requires an understanding of how politics works on the European level. Educational programs in this field do not reach enough young people.

Education on Europe is a program of the Robert Bosch Stiftung for citizenship educators on European issues. The program aims to create, try out and evaluate new approaches to make European integration and EU politics more accessible to learners. It fosters the emergence of concepts to reach young people not usually included in European political thinking.

The program is comprised of three consecutive phases:

  • Phase I is a one-year capacity building scheme for 15 practitioners from the field of citizenship education who are already working on European issues or are interested in doing so. It includes four seminars during which the participants share their experiences, learn from experts and create new ideas. At the core of this phase is one question: How do we make European issues more accessible to young people with little affinity to Europe?
  • Phase II starts with a competition in which the most promising ideas developed in Phase I will be awarded with a grant for a pilot project.
  • Phase III brings all participants together once more to evaluate the experiences and lessons learned from the pilot projects. We will share both successes and failures in order to draw conclusions for the emergence of citizenship education concepts capable of making European politics accessible to all young people. The results will be collected in a publication.

Read more and apply

Deadline for application is January 29th 2018

Tags : European Citizenship Education

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